About Launa
LAUNA GRUNAU is a wife, mother of 4, adoptive parent, and associate pastor at Action Community Church. Her oldest two children have multiple diagnoses: intractable epilepsy, cerebral palsy, autism, and intellectual disabilities; they have been the catalyst and inspiration for this project. Since 2008 she has been reconciling her faith with the realities of raising children with disabilities and creating a church community of inclusion. In 2019 she entered into seminary at Fresno Pacific University to formalize her theological studies and develop well rounded ministries that support both the adoptive and disability community. She loves writing, acting, cooking, baking, creating, and all things vintage. A perfect day would include a family board game and walk, popcorn and a movie, and Dodgers win.
1) Fair-skinned young man with curly brown hair is smiling. 2) Family of six hugging and smiling. One daughter has darker skin and hair than the rest. She is looking off to one side. 3) Young Hispanic girl with black curly hair smiling. All Images © Allison Vasquez.
More from Launa
To my husband Jeff who is, and always has been, my biggest cheerleader. I could not have survived seminary without your encouragement and support. I am so thankful for a life partner that I can laugh, cry, and talk with into the wee hours of the night. Thank you for trusting God’s call in my life and being by my side through this wild adventure we call life.
To Pastor Jason Fuller for seeing and believing in my potential for vocational ministry. This is not the path I thought my life would take in a million years. I was content with lay leadership, but you called me out and raised me up. I am forever grateful to you and Eve for inviting our family to plant a church with you. I consider myself lucky to have a leader that empowers me and leads by example.
To Dr. Randy White for guiding my journey through seminary and opening my eyes to a world of community activism with a biblical lens. Your belief in my abilities as a student and practitioner gave me the confidence I needed to return to school at a “mature” age.
To Levi, Mila, Autumn, and Asher: I know mom going back to school was hard and all the hours of reading and writing meant I wasn’t as available as you or I would have liked. Thank you for putting up with Lasagna Tuesdays, me using you for homework assignments, and helping me grow into the mom you need me to be. You all drive me bonkers, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
And finally, to all my fellow sojourners on the disability journey: Thank you for sharing your stories, insight, and wisdom for this project. I could not have done this without you. I hope I have done justice to your experience. For those who were ahead of me on the journey and mentored me when my kids were freshly diagnosed, you gave me hope that I could persist and find joy in the process. I cannot thank you enough. For those just starting out on the journey now, just remember you are not alone.
Thank you to Mission Bridge for the use of their photos and video footage seen on the site and in the videos. Mission Bridge offers youth mentoring, pastoral care & coaching, and domestic & international missions. One of which is partnering with Joni and Friends Family Retreats. Please visit their page to see and support their work.
Thank you to Sweet Nectar Society for providing many of the photos on this website. Sweet Nectar provides cost-free photography sessions to children with complex medical needs. It is their mission to encourage, celebrate, and advocate for their Sweeties through the art of photography. Please visit their page to see and support their work.